EV-batteries and starter batteries
Management fees
Manufacturers and importers of cars equipped with lithium-ion EV-batteries or lithium-ion starter batteries that participate in the ARN collection and recycling system, will have to pay a management fee.
Safe and responsible collection
If you have signed up to the ARN Management Plan, you will have to pay a management fee to ARN. For participating importers, this Plan facilitates the safe and responsible collection and recycling of batteries.
Generally speaking, a dealership will charge the fee separately when selling an electric car.
In accordance with applicable legislation and regulations, the fee for starter batteries serves as an administrative contribution.
Tariffs for 2024
The level of management contributions for propulsion batteries in 2024 is unchanged compared to the rates in 2023. A year earlier, management contributions for lithium-ion batteries were reduced by approximately 50%, depending on the weight of the battery. The reason for the decline was, among other things, the longer lifespan of batteries. The current rates are tailored to the expected obligations for the collection and recycling of waste car batteries.
The current rates are below on this page.
Management fees for lithium-ion drive batteries and starter batteries (including VAT) in 2024
€3 per battery for a weight ≤ 5kg
€5 per battery for a weight > 5kg and ≤ 15kg (new 48V category)
€8 per battery for a weight > 15kg and ≤ 25kg
€25 per battery for a weight > 25kg and ≤ 100kg
€45 per battery for a weight > 100kg and ≤ 350kg
€55 per battery for a weight > 350kg and ≤ 600kg
€65 per battery for a weight > 600kg and ≤ 900kg
Management fees for lead-acid and NiMH starter batteries and drive batteries (excluding VAT)
- €0.05 per battery