Twenty attention points
ARN is one of the Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROs) of a total of 16 countries that are participating in an informal consultation to exchange information and experiences. The joint conclusion of these organisations is that the new European directive is a logical step towards the realisation of European objectives in the area of circularity. Implementable regulations are indispensable if these objectives are to be properly realised. To this end, the PROs have presented 20 common attention points, in the hope that the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament will take them into consideration.
The most important recommendation is that, to guarantee the proper handling of end-of-life vehicles, they should only be sent to recognised processors
The most important recommendation is that, to guarantee the proper handling of end-of-life vehicles, they should only be sent to recognised processors. Monitoring to prevent the illegal collection and processing of end-of-life vehicles in the member states is essential and the creation of a level playing field will depend on improved cooperation between member states and better data exchange. Furthermore, the position taken by the international associations, EuRIC, ACEA and CLEPA on counterproductive dismantling obligations is supported. The implementing organisations want more attention to be paid to the effort that will be required in relation to the effect that the measures will have. This will result in a balanced package of regulations that can count on the necessary support and one that will be implementable and verifiable in practice.
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